Sunday 1 December 2013



Reindeer are very interesting animals. They live in Canada and in other arctic countries. In Canada, reindeer are called Caribou. Reindeer can be brown, white, grey and black. Reindeer are unusual because both males and females have antlers. Male reindeer use their antlers for fighting.

Reindeer are herbivores (that means they eat plants) but there is some evidence that reindeer also may eat small mammals, bird eggs and fish.

Reindeer are fast but there are some predators that are dangerous to them (predators are animals that hunt and eat other animals). Brown bears, polar bears, wolverines and wolves all eat reindeer. Golden Eagles will attack and eat reindeer calves.


Reindeer have very good night vision. Lots of mammals (but not humans) have a gold layer at the back of their eye that reflects light and lets the animals see in the dark. Have you ever seen a cat's eyes shine in the dark? It is because of the reflector in its eye. Reindeer have this reflector too but in their eyes it can turn from gold to blue. The blue colour lets reindeer see even better in the dark than animals with gold in their eyes!

In Norway, sometimes people use reindeer to pull sleds. At the North Pole, Santa Claus uses magic reindeer to pull his sled too!

A reindeer sled in Norway

Reindeer are cool but my article is now over!

Bye bye!


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