Sunday 3 November 2013

What the heck is a Cassowary?

The most dangerous bird in the world. I found this photo here:

You must be wondering why I am called CassowaryGirl. You must be thinking WHAT THE HECK IS A CASSOWARY! I will finally tell you what the heck a cassowary is. Well, I will tell you the first thing you will want to know about  cassowaries – THEY ARE TOTALLY AWESOME !

Okay, I will actually tell the first thing you want to know about cassowaries. They are the most dangerous bird in the world. But don't think that a cassowary is a little tiny song bird like a finch or something because its much more like a velociraptor or a deinonychus. Believe it or not but a cassowary has five inch long talons on its feet and it can be taller and heavier then a full-grown man. A cassowary has not only five inch talons on its feet, those talons can really really badly injure someone or even kill someone.

Scary talons
I found this photo at:
Cassowaries are fast runners but they can not fly. They have very small wings that no one could fly with. But why don't cassowaries fly? Why did they not get the gift of flight ? Well the answer to that question is that they don't need to fly. They have no natural predators.

Cassowary chicks look much different from their parents. They are all brown! An adult cassowary has a blue neck and head but they have no feathers on their neck and head, just skin. But the Yellow Neck Cassowary has yellow at the front of their neck. Cassowaries have a wattle like a turkey. They also have a cool crest on their head that is brownish yellow. Some scientists think that cassowaries  uses there crests for pushing leaves and plants out of the way in the rainforest. Other scientists don't agree. 

Cassowary chicks.
I found this photo at:
Cassowaries are endangered. When their rainforest home gets cut down, they enter towns searching for food. It is dangerous for cassowaries in towns. There are lots of roads, and lots of roads means lots of cars, and lots of cars means danger for cassowaries. Most cassowary deaths happen on roads,  so now there are only a few hundred cassowaries left in the wild.

To learn more, look up cassowaries on YouTube.
And rember nature is everywhere! Like in Australia with the most dangerous bird in the world.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds very interesting! Who do you think would win; a cassowary or a GILLIAN? :D
