Sunday 19 January 2014

Sharks aren't the only scary fish!!

Today we are learning about a fish but it is not just any fish – it is a man-eating fish!

Once there was a 11 year old boy swimming in a river in India. Something came and dragged him under water and he was never seen again. A couple of days later a two year old went into the same river and something pulled him under the water too. Then a water buffalo came to drink and something pulled it under the water.
It was a mystery – what was pulling people and animals under the water?
The water was too cold and too far up the river for bull sharks. It was too cold and too far up for crocodiles, and a gharial's snout wasn't the the right shape to do it.
Some people went swimming and they found a fish called a goonch.  The name goonch means "man-eating catfish" and it was probably the what dragged the 2 boys and the buffalo under the water.

A goonch can get very very BIG and have a very very BIG mouth with backwards pointing teeth so its prey can't escape. The goonch can be more than six feet long and weigh more than 200 pounds. That's bigger than my dad!

In India, sometimes dead people are put into the river for a funeral. The goonches fed on the dead people and liked it. Then they started eating living people too! Some scientists think that a goonch can smell out human flesh.

The goonch is also known as the giant devil catfish.

Goonches are cool but my article is now over.

bye bye!


This cool picture is from Animal Planet

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Blue and beautiful!!

The biggest and friendliest macaw. Some people call them gentle giants.

What's  your favorite bird?
Mine is the cassowary, but there's another bird that's one of my favorites -  its the …
HYACINTH MACAW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of you might be wondering, what is a hyacinth macaw?  Macaws are large parrots, and the hyacinth macaw is the biggest flying parrot in the world. Hyacinth macaws have blue feathers with bright yellow skin around their eyes and beak. Macaw feathers bend light to produce shimmery colours.

Since hyacinth macaw is a long name I'll just call them blue macaws for short.

Blue macaws are a endangered species in the wild. They live in the rainforest in Brazil and Bolivia. They eat nuts, seeds and fruit with their powerful beaks. Blue macaws nest between July and December.

Even his tongue is colourful!

Blue macaws are very, very smart birds - they use tools like sticks, twigs and rocks to get what they want. If there is a nut that the macaw can't reach, he or she might use a stick to get it.

Blue macaws are defiantly NOT flightless birds like the cassowary. Macaws like the hyacinth can fly and they are quite good pilots to be exact.

Since blue macaws are flying birds, I'll tell you how most birds can fly. All birds have hollow bones including flightless birds like the cassowary. Well, the bones are not completely hollow - there is this light spongy stuff inside. Also to fly, birds are covered in feathers. Flight feathers are strong and light and make flexible wings. Flying birds have to have big, strong breast muscles to flap their wings. 

Blue Macaws are great flyers!

Blue macaws can be the absolute PERFECT pets for you but I'm warning you blue macaws are usually quiet birds but when they're loud they're really loud! 

Blue macaws are very interesting birds but my article is now over -


Bye bye!

Baby Macaws are really cute!!